Planning to undertake renovation work in your home? This project offers benefits in terms of comfort improvement and energy optimization, and you may also achieve a capital gain if you decide to sell later.
It is possible to benefit from certain financial aids to lighten the bill. These mainly concern renovation works aimed at improving the energy performance of your property.
To avoid surprises, it's better to anticipate the amount of work. Poirier Immobilier lists the possibilities you can access.
For your request regarding energy renovation work or improvement of your home, you can find financial aids from the National Housing Agency (Anah):
- Habiter Mieux Sérénité; concerns renovation projects that achieve an energy performance of at least 35%. The amount of the aid ranges between 1,600 and 2,000 euros depending on the level of resources. To benefit, you will need to entrust your work to a RGE (Recognized as Guarantor of the Environment) qualified professional, have a property that is more than 15 years old at the time of filing the application, not have been a beneficiary of other state financing in the last five years, and have a property located in a department committed by contract against energy poverty (CLE).
- MaPrimeRénov' is granted to all owners of a primary residence, without income conditions, or to co-ownerships wishing to carry out energy renovation and improvement works. The amount of aid varies according to the owner's income and is cumulative with other aids.
The energy premium
Originally scheduled to end in December 2020, the deadline for the energy premium, or CEE premium (Energy Savings Certificates), is extended until December 31, 2021. The scheme is granted to individuals to carry out energy-saving works, performed by RGE craftsmen.
Combining with MaPrimeRénov', you can reimburse up to 90% of the expenses.
The Eco-loan at zero interest
Extended until December 31, 2021, the eco-loan at zero interest allows you to finance your energy renovation project. It is available to all owners of a primary residence without income condition for housing completed before January 1, 1990.
To be eligible, the works must also be carried out by a RGE qualified professional. The aid is cumulative with MaPrimeRénov'.
The booster prime
Open until December 31, 2021, this scheme allows individuals in energy poverty wishing to carry out work to benefit from financial aid since it is now accessible to all households without income conditions. The works concern the replacement of boilers for renewable energies and/or the insulation of attics, roofs, and lower floors. The aid is cumulative with MaPrimeRénov' and the eco-PTZ.
VAT at 5.5% or 10%
Granted to works improving energy performance, VAT at 5.5% instead of 20% applies to homes completed more than 2 years ago, used as primary or secondary residences. This rate concerns energy renovation works, in favor of energy saving, thermal insulation, and renewable energy production.
Depending on the type of work, there is also a reduced VAT rate of 10%.
This rate is valid for labor, the purchase of raw materials and supplies necessary for carrying out the works, equipment that integrates and adapts to the layout of the premises, heating equipment, and doors, windows, or French windows.
Action Housing
Action Housing aids financially support energy renovation. This subsidy, which can go up to 20,000 euros, is granted to owner-occupiers or landlords or even to SCI (civil real estate companies) and can be supplemented by a 1% loan. It concerns properties occupied as a primary residence located in one of the municipalities of the Action Cœur de Ville program.